Oral Surgery
Oral surgery is a surgical specialty which involves comprehensive patient assessment and management of presenting clinical findings and commonly results in the extraction of problematic teeth, especially wisdom teeth.
Intra oral dental and soft tissue changes are also comprehensively assessed and managed. Oral surgery management often include patient restorative dental options. Implant therapy involves detailed restorative planning for the optimal placement of dental implants in areas suitable for successful implant placement and the management of restoration of dental implant (s) with implant crowns and/or dental bridgework, specifically designed for each individual patient.
Integrated technology and clinical expertise in the Beacon Dental Clinic, allows for individualised comprehensive patient treatment planning for comprehensive dental restoration. Patient sedation is available for surgical procedures in the Beacon Dental Clinic.

Mr Andrew Norris
Mr Andrew Norris provides the oral surgical service for patients referred to the Beacon Dental Clinic, at the Beacon Consultants Clinic. The oral surgery service is comprehensive & includes the assessment of individualised…